Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Visioning the Dream Awake - November 2010

November 2010

What's New this Month!
- New Audio Products: Chakra Meditations to help you Create a Life you Love
- DonStar Publishing: A New Chapter for A New Chapter
- November Monthly Visions: We're not in Kansas anymore
- New Reality Transmission: Creating our New Reality Project starting 11/11
- Radio Interview: Chatting about these Shifting Times

New Audio Products: Chakra Meditations to help you Create a Life you Love

I am so excited to launch my new audio meditations! Thank you to everyone who after doing the Create a Life you Love e-course via Daily Om asked for these meditations to become available as a stand-alone product so that you can download them onto your ipod or a CD. There are seven in total that you can buy individually or save almost 30% by purchasing them as a 7 week subscription. Using the chakras as our map, these meditations include topics like Abundance, Your Inner Child, Your Future Self, Higher Self and your Inner Power. For full details about each one, or to buy, please go here:


DonStar Publishing: A New Chapter for A New Chapter

As an author there is nothing more exciting than holding your book in your hands - and watching it fly out into the world to help others. As a creative being and visionary there is also nothing more frustrating than having someone else decide where it will fly and how - particularly if their version of flying is not in alignment with yours. This is something that seasoned authors are more than aware of, yet as a first-time author I found myself on a big learning curve! It became obvious that I needed to follow the advice in my own book and 'get behind the wheel of my car'. With a big leap of faith earlier this year I followed my intuition, left my publishers and rebirthed my book A New Chapter under my own publishing banner DONSTAR. I feel so good about this decision! Being free and stepping into ones power is my life motto so it was quite appropriate for this all to unfold as it has!

A New Chapter is available via Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Book Depository, or you can get it direct from my site if you'd like a signed copy

New Cover and Donstar Logo by Jelena Mrkich.
November Monthly Visions: We're not in Kansas anymore

As we barrel forward toward the supremely awesome energies of 11/11 you are likely to be experiencing all of your emotions on high beam. Whether you are feeling super sublime, super powered, super calm or super enraged, it's all a positive sign that you are well on your way with your personal birth process. You are transitioning into a totally different Vibrational Reality and every cell in your body is responding. Whether you are being shaken, stirred, squeezed or smoothly taken through the tunnel, one thing is certain: we're not in Kansas anymore Toto! Read rest here:
New Reality Transmission: Creating our New Reality Project starting 11/11

Want to know what the new reality beyond 2012 will look like? Be part of consciously creating it with this meditation project starting 11 November at 11.11pm EST. The aim is to have 1 million people spend 11 minutes for 11 days projecting their positive visions to create our future. Go to this link and press Learn More to read a simple yet powerful quantum mechanics explanation of how we all DO create reality!! Be inspired and get excited!!
Radio Interview: Chatting about these Shifting Times

I had a fun time on Paul Reinig's show yesterday chatting about The Shift, our New Chapter and ways to move through it! You can listen to the interview here in his archives section (the interview starts about 35 minutes into the 2 hour show):



Intuitive Catalyst for Personal, Social & Global Transformation
Conscious Evolution Teacher, Writer & Speaker
Author, Freelance Journalist & Radio Host
BA Comn. (Social Inq/Media)

Subscribe to Dana's Monthly Newsletter Visioning the Dream Awake for Monthly Visions,articles, talks, courses and more.

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

November Monthly Visions: We're not in Kansas anymore

November 2010 Monthly Visions: We’re not in Kansas anymore

As we barrel forward toward the supremely awesome energies of 11/11 you are likely to be experiencing all of your emotions on high beam. Whether you are feeling super sublime, super powered, super calm or super enraged, it’s all a positive sign that you are well on your way with your personal birth process. You are transitioning into a totally different Vibrational Reality and every cell in your body is responding. Whether you are being shaken, stirred, squeezed or smoothly taken through the tunnel, one thing is certain: we’re not in Kansas anymore Toto!

If you are feeling numb, some part of you has likely pressed ‘pause’ on the process, frozen in fear to move forward yet we can no longer go back. If this is the case, may I suggest you spend time with your Sacred Breath simply breathing in and out consciously. Know you will be okay. Know that the same energy that’s calling you through the tunnel is the same energy that has all you need to make sure you are looked after through the process and out the other side.

What does this all actually mean? What tunnel? Where are we going? Imagine that the core material of which everything is made is a certain substance, and for simplicity sake let’s call this substance ‘Energy’. Energy can take any shape and form, it all depends on what we want to make with it. Our ability to work with this energy is influenced by the level of reality we are living in and the level of our own personal consciousness. The consciousness of the majority of people on our planet has until fairly recently been ‘encased’ in a 3D vibrational reality energy matrix, where the energy is extremely dense. You can liken it to chipping away slowly at a huge piece of marble anytime you want to make anything be it a statue, table, money or home. Now imagine that in a higher vibrational reality, let’s say 4D, the energy becomes easier to work with. Imagine it becomes like clay. Things can be created faster, but it still takes a little time.

Things start getting really interesting when we jump up into 5D reality – energy becomes like ‘playdoh in the air’ and we can literally shape and shift things to be made manifest with very little gap time between the thought of a thing and the creation of a thing. As you can imagine, this is a pretty powerful reality to live in. You wouldn’t want to live in this reality until you have developed your consciousness to a point where you have learned to be quite the master of your thoughts, and are committed to using your consciousness in a good way. You also would want to know that everyone else in that reality is using their thoughts in a good way! Manifesting instantaneously is great when your thoughts and consciousness are tuned in to a positive direction, but not so fun if you’re holding negative thoughts. Thus, entry into 5D and higher vibrational realities come with their own safety-guard – your own consciousness has to shift up to match that vibration in order to live there.

So, here we are on a planet that is in the process of moving through a place in space that is associated with higher vibrational energies – alignment with the Galactic Centre and conjunction with the Galactic Equator. Era-2012 is a period of time where Earth moves through a particular spot that she only touches every 26, 000 years. The ancients knew that this spot was associated with either great potential for awakening or catastrophe because they knew how energy and vibrational realities work. They knew that every time Earth moves through this spot, she is immersed in the higher frequency higher vibrational energies emanating out of the Galactic Centre. As a result, all on her have the potential to receive these energies too! The ancients perceived this spot as a crossroads for humanity. We go with the flow and open ourselves to receive = great awakening. We resist the process = great catastrophe.

We are the leading reality show being watched on every screen around the Universe right now. Everyone wants to know what’s going to happen! Are we going to shift our consciousness to match the new vibrational reality? Or are we going to be voted off the planet?

Every single person on this planet right now has the opportunity to shift up. The super charged feelings you are experiencing now is a result of your body receiving the increasing influx of higher vibrational energy. This energy is activating your personal keycodes, telling you exactly what you need to do, IF you need to do anything at all. Your keycodes won’t be vague and you don’t need to ‘tune in’ to find out what you need to do. They will be loud and clear. They likely won’t sound like a script from a sci-fi movie, they will make total sense to your heart. They will be inner nudges and guidances that you know deep down are totally true for you, for example: Eat healthier, Stop judging and criticising yourself and others, Focus on the good and the positive in your life, Turn off the negative media, Resolve your relationship issues or move on, Step into your power, Let go of fear and worry. Ignoring your keycodes will become more and more unbearable, which makes it real hard to keep ignoring them! So any intense or painful condition you may be experiencing right now is some inner keycode saying to you “Wake Up, there is something to Shift here!”

Again, you won’t have to wrack your brain to work out what it is. It will be obvious – the hard part isn’t hearing our inner guidance, it is having the courage to actually follow it. Actually no, we need to re-word that. Your inner guidance will already be pushing you halfway out the door if there’s actually something you need to shift. So really you don’t need courage so much as you need to stop resisting, stop holding on to any addiction you have to drama, to poor health, to negativity, to worry, to suffering. Have you ever noticed that when everything is going well in your life you find something to worry about? That’s an addiction to worry! Stop holding onto the door frame of the old, and the sheer momentum of the new will propel you forward faster and more easefully than you can imagine!

A major message right now is to step into total love and acceptance – for ourselves and others. Let go of judgement, criticism, frustrations and irritations. Just let go of focusing on those things that aren’t how you want them to be. Look instead to what is good in your life, and as you do so the energy of good accumulates and spreads and that which isn’t good for you will naturally shift or leave your life. That which is good will expand inviting more and more good.

The higher energies are awakening us to remember who we really are – and that involves letting go of all that we’re not, and all that we think we’re not. Opportunities helping you to step into your power will be at your doorstep one after the other these days until you have done it. There is nothing ‘love and light’ about handing over our power, and right now we are being called to reclaim it. Sometimes we don’t even realise the extent to which we have given it away until someone comes along and totally crosses our boundaries, and this is happening right now left, right and centre. A parent telling you what to do with your life (regardless of your age), employers expecting you to work twice as hard for half your worth, governments expecting the people to follow their every word without question.

We are in a major phase of 'Enough Already’ (a short blog I wrote a couple weeks ago about Venus Retrograde’s message to us). These boundary-pusher situations are coming up so that we realise just how much we have stepped outside of our own centres, our own inner authority, our own inner power. They are coming up so that we can say “No! I am not going to be treated like that anymore! Enough is enough!’ As you say No to something you instantly say Yes to its opposite! Next thing you know the tornado of change has picked you up and just like Dorothy you find yourself on the yellow brick road. Don’t be scared to say no, to let go, to walk away. Don’t be scared to say yes, to let in, to move forward. This thing called “Energy” is guiding and supporting you every step of the way.

(c) Dana Mrkich 2010. Permission is granted to share this article freely on the condition that the author is credited, and the URL is included