Friday, December 03, 2010

Visioning the Dream Awake - December 2010

December 2010
What's New this Month!
- December Monthly Visions: Goodbye Mind, Hello Heart
- One Minute Video Tips: Dana's Intuition Series on Oprah.Com
- Oprah's Coming to Sydney: Vote for Dana to be on the show
- Audio Products: ChakraShift Meditations with FREE Chakra Guide

December Monthly Visions: Goodbye Mind, Hello Heart

There is a funny 'retirement' feeling in the air. You may not feel like working much, or have lost your usual motivation and inspiration for daily chores and projects. Meanwhile you may be gravitating more to being out in nature, doing something creative, reading or relaxing.  You may have a feeling of wanting to do something that completely inspires and nourishes you, wanting to find things that you feel passionate about, or you'd rather be doing nothing at all. We have lived for so long in a 'busy = productive' society that to suddenly feel quite averse to 'busy for the sake of busy' makes us wonder what's wrong? We might wonder if we've entered a depression, only we feel great when we're gardening, cooking, painting or just being, so we're not depressed. We might think we've entered a slump, or are bored by the same ole, same ole, but that's not quite it either.....Read More:

One Minute Tips: Dana's Intuition Series on Oprah.Com

Dana talks about how to listen to your intuition and decide to follow it. She also shares why we often have a tendency not to!

Dana shares how to reach your goals and manifest your dreams by following your "Inner GPS" one step at a time.


Oprah's Coming to Sydney: Vote for Dana to be on the show

Oprah is looking for Australians to appear on her Sydney show whose work has inspired you! I am up for nomination, so if you'd like to see me on the show please add your vote here!
Simply share why you'd like to see me on the show, and/or share a personal story about how my work has helped or inspired you. Thank you!


New Audio Products: ChakraShift Meditations with FREE Chakra Guide

My ChakraShift Meditations are now available to download from iAmplify. Using the chakras as our map, these meditations include topics like Abundance, Your Inner Child, Your Future Self, Higher Self and your Inner Power. You can purchase your favourite ones, or save 30% if you would like all seven.  
As a special offer, if you email the receipt number of your purchase to I will send you a free Chakra Info Guide for all seven chakras, including signs that they are overactive or underactive and things to do to balance them! 

Check out the Meditations Store here.

Happy festive season to all!

Intuitive Catalyst for Personal, Social & Global Transformation
Conscious Evolution Teacher, Writer & Speaker 
Author, Freelance Journalist & Radio Host
BA Comn. (Social Inq/Media)

Subscribe to Dana's Monthly Newsletter Visioning the Dream Awake for Monthly Visions, articles, talks, courses and more.

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