Friday, May 24, 2013

Frozen Aspects and Emotions now Thawing!

Whatever aspects and emotions of ourselves that we put 'on ice' because we didn't know at the time how to adequately deal with them are now on thaw mode, melting, melting. And when I say now, I'm meaning specifically now, today, tonight, this week, and tomorrow with the energy of this very powerful (is there any other kind?) Lunar Eclipse!
We can either open the door to them gracefully and let the water (tears, energy, old desires, emotions, repressed aspects) flow, or we can keep the door shut and then they'll flood the room, break the door and wall down and come at us like a tsunami!
Right at this minute we don't need to know the specifics of what is behind each door. It is enough to say:
"I am willing for the door to open to all of the aspects and emotions within me that are now ready to come out, to be seen, to be heard, to be expressed, to be loved, to be healed. I ask that this happen in a gentle and easeful way. Thank you."
(c) Dana Mrkich 2013
Dana Mrkich is an Energy Intuitive, Author of A New Chapter, Creator of E-course Create a Life you Love and an inspirational teacher, writer and speaker. For more info, please visit her website, join her on Facebook or follow her on Twitter.

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