Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Date is upon us!

Well it's upon us, the much awaited December 21 heralding the end of a cycle of time and the beginning of a new one. To the Mayans and other indigenous cultures, each cycle carries its own unique energy so as we enter this new cycle it is about more than just flicking the calendar page over to start again. We are entering a new era and a new level of consciousness.
Over the days of December 21, 22 and 23 consider taking some time to be in a sacred space. Whether you take a moment each of those days to give thanks for your life, health, friends, family and the life we have here on Earth, or whether you dedicate the whole of the three days to sacred ceremony, or fun and joy, is totally up to you. Do what you feel in your heart to do.
As much as possible be conscious of your thoughts over those days. Pay special attention to any messages or insights that pop up strongly within you. Visualise the world you would like to live in, and the world you would like your children and grandchildren to have. Feel the love that is here to be felt. Take it in and extend it to others. Carry a notebook with you to jot down things that come to you: ideas, insights, things that are calling for your action in 2013.
As millions gather in their own way all over the world during these sacred days our collective energy is amplified. The more love that is put into the mix the better. Our family will be in a sacred space over the three days, holding ceremony and celebrating this special, special time. Whatever you choose to do, we wish you and yours a beautiful and wonderful cycle end and cycle beginning. Let us know here what your plans are!

Love from Dana, Christian and Jaxon xox

(c) Dana Mrkich 2012

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