Friday, January 01, 2010

Visioning the Dream Awake: January 2010

January 2010

What's New this Month!

- Create a Life you Love E-Course (formerly Your New Chapter): Pay what you Want

- January 2010 Monthly Visions: Breaking Free!

- Message Boards: Shifting into your New Reality

- A New Chapter Clearance Sale

- Soul Sessions

Happy New Year everyone! In these times the evolution and awakening of humanity, and every one of us within it, is paramount. In a nutshell, our Earth is shifting into a new dimension and all beings, all systems, all structures, have to shift up with her - or shift out. It is literally like the phase the US just went through of making all television sets digital, where everyone was asked to change over, because the day came when the old analogue just didn't work anymore. This shift applies to everything from personal emotional patterns and mental beliefs, to economic systems and the environment. We are being called to align with the higher energies raining down upon us. People are saying "I hope 2010 will be better than 2009, 2009 was so hard!". How you experience this year will totally depend on the degree to which you align with the higher energies and your own higher self. If you allow yourself to go with the flow your own good instincts are directing you toward (I talk about this in this month's Monthly Visions) then this year will be the most fabulous year you have experienced yet. If you resist your own flow and choose to follow old thoughts and beliefs, it will be hard for as long as you stay in resistance. Don't take my word for it - you will feel it in your own body and life. Watch your thoughts - manifestation is happening very fast now to the point where something you think is going to show up in your life faster and faster for better or worse. If you ask for a certain amount of money that you absolutely need to pay a bill; bang, it will arrive. Likewise, if you fall into an old pattern of say criticizing yourself or judging others or doubting the Universe's ability to provide for you; ouch, you might feel it instantly in your body with a sore neck or tight knot in the stomach. Your body is helping you - it wants you to align with the higher energies and it will show you very clearly when you are not.

My work is to help people remember who they are, understand this profound shift that we are going through, and have the journey through it be as empowering as possible. My deep knowing is that we are all amazing, divine beings with limitless untapped potential. My passion for this work is fuelled by this knowing - and by the anger I feel knowing that much of humanity has intentionally been repressed on all levels (spiritual, technological, energetic, economic, mental, emotional, physical, environmental, the list goes on) by certain elements. We are living in a world where we can have free energy for all, healthy bodies, well-fed people and happy lives doing what we love, knowing our true history and place in the Universe. This is not a new-age fantasy, it is fact. A very small percentage of humanity knows this and it is time everyone knew it. It is time for truth to be revealed. This is an exciting time to be alive.

Apocalypse: from the Latin Apocalypsis and Greek Apokalupsis meaning Revelation

2010 - I make a toast to our freedom and empowerment as more and more of our higher and greater truth is unveiled and revealed!

Create a Life you Love E-Course: Pay what you Want

I am excited to share with you the news that my 7 week e-course Your New Chapter is now available at Daily OM under the new name Create a Life you Love!
Due to the exceptional amount of traffic that goes through Daily OM and their very generous way of working, I am very happy to now be able to offer this wonderful course for 'Pay what you Want'. I also love that you can book it and start anytime you want, like right now! Read about this course and book here.
Daily Om also have wonderful free Daily Inspirations and Horoscopes you can subscribe to filled with high vibrational messages, I recommend it!

January Monthly Visions: Breaking Free!

Welcome to 2010! This is the year of owning your Power and Being who you really are. I would like to invite you now to take a moment to commit to doing that. Set your intention clearly for the coming year. See yourself as owning your power and being who you really are. You may not know what that looks like, or how you will get there. Doesn't matter. Your intention is everything. A heartfelt prayer, along with a deep willingness to let it in, will show you the way. Read more:

Message Boards: Shifting into your New Reality

Recently launched, my new Message Boards are slowly gathering a little following with people posting their questions, thoughts and insights, helping themselves and each other through these very unique times. I wanted to create a space where you can go when you just need to share something or receive a little support, and have the opportunity to support someone else. So it gives me a lot of joy to have this available. Please visit: Message Boards:

A New Chapter Clearance Sale

This year will mark a new chapter for my book A New Chapter. I am moving on from my current publisher, and will have news about my new beginnings in a couple of months! They are having a clearance sale for my book, on until all stock is gone so it's a good time to buy! Otherwise, you can wait for the re-launch and revised edition coming soon. The current version is also still available on all the on-line stores (Amazon etc).

Soul Sessions

A New Year always brings that fresh, clear, clear energy for a New Start!! Now is the perfect time to set your intentions for 2010! What do you want from this year? What do you want your life to look like? How do you want to be? What patterns are you completely ready to let go of? Do you need help seeing clearly where you've been holding yourself back and why? Sometimes we know what we want but we can't seem to get there because of cellular or childhood issues we aren't aware of.

A Soul Session gives you information from your own energy, higher self and guides, helping you to understand why you have the reality you have, and showing you how to create the reality you want. We will focus on the issues you most need guidance on right now. In these times of profound change, Sessions can ease the way through any life transitions you are experiencing.

For more info and to make a booking:

Wishing everyone a powerful, abundant and joy-filled 2010!




Energy Intuitive for Personal Transformation

Conscious Evolution Teacher, Writer & Speaker

Author & Radio Host

BA Comn. (Social Inq/Media)



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articles, interviews, courses and more.

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