Friday, May 09, 2014

More about this Oneness feeling

Here is an excerpt from a really beautiful session I recently did that many of you may resonate with: 

"Your ‘original’ and authentic energy is of a very high vibration. You come from a place where there was no real sense of ‘I’ or ego or anything like that. There was a tremendous sense of oneness, and knowing around ‘we are all connected.’ “What you do to me you do to yourself”, and “What you do to you you do to me” were basic concepts that everyone recognised and lived by. 

So the idea of intentionally hurting someone was unheard of because ‘what you do to someone you do to yourself’. Likewise there was no sense of jealousy because ‘what you do to you, you do to me’ so if someone experienced great love or great joy or great happiness, everyone did. Yes you all had your individual bodies, but it is like an extreme version of the energy of twins – you often hear that when one twin feels something the other twin feels it too. It is like this where you are from."

(c) Dana Mrkich 2014

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