Thursday, March 31, 2016

Shaken not stirred: Coming out of the Eclipses

SHAKEN NOT STIRRED: Even though the recent Solar and Lunar Eclipses were only 2 days in the calendar, we are still within the effect period.

Eclipses can have a direct impact on your life in the 2 weeks - and in some cases 1 month - prior to occurring, and after occurrence. It's kind of like when a wave comes rushing in from the ocean. Yes there is the moment of crashing onto the shore, but just as relevant is the lead up as the wave builds, and then the gravitational pull as the tide captures everything in its way and draws it into the ocean.

So over the last month you may have had some big things happen, be they external changes or inner shifts, or breakdowns or breakthroughs. A lot of people are going through major identity crises/transformations, and feeling a need to overhaul their life in some way.

Now, generally speaking, this is a natural result of the overall evolutionary process we are in right now. Old ways of being are dismantling, and new parts of ourselves are emerging, just like a snake shedding its skin and wriggling out as a new version of itself. But then astrological alignments come along, like an eclipse season, and essentially speed things up, clarifying and crystallizing things, making you highly aware that situation xyz can't go on any longer, or that dream abc needs to get moving forward.

Confusion can also reign, because as one thing, relationship, job or part of your identity is being washed out, the new thing/relationship/job/identity doesn't usually arrive the next day! So lots of us are going through void periods where there is a sense of who the hell am I anymore, and where am I going, and what do I want to be doing, and do I even resonate with this thing or that thing anymore?

During void times, it is usually wise not to make any sudden decisions. Void times are a time to reflect, rest, take a step back, do things to help you get clear and centred (meditation, journalling, going for a walk, going to the beach, get off the topic and go do something fun), and from that space allow your next steps to come to you.

The New Moon in Aries next Thursday marks a new period, so if you are still feeling like you are in the eclipse's washing machine spin and rinse process, things should feel lighter or clearer from then.

How are you all feeling?

(c) Dana Mrkich 2016

Please note: All Blogposts are now being posted on An archive will be updated here from time to time, but please go the site for the most recent posts, and to join the discussion with comments.   

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra

Today we have a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra. Libra is about balance and harmony, so if you have any major emotional events, interactions or epiphanies today, know that it is about bringing yourself, your energy, your inner or outer world into a greater place of balance in some way.

Now, Mercury in Aries and the Sun in Aries are opposite the Full Moon today, and Aries is all about the Self, where Libra is all about the Other. Aries likes to make sure
me, myself and I are taken care of, while Libra's focus is on you, we, us and relationship.

We all have a tendency to lean more toward either an Aries or Libran approach to life, and so it is important for things to come along now and again to give us a nudge in the other direction. If you are overly focused on others, a bit of Aries Self/Me influence can be just what the doctor ordered. If your life is too self-involved, expanding your focus to those around you is the medicine you might need.

With Mercury being in Aries opposite the Full Moon Eclipse, communication could be the catalyst. You may find yourself standing up for yourself or your needs, putting your foot down, or realising how often you put the needs of others ahead of your own. You might find a relationship unexpectedly eclipse out of your life around now. If so, it is because one or both of you needed a new direction in order to experience the balance the Soul is seeking.

Some people might get a realisation today that they need to look after themselves with greater independence, more assertiveness or stronger boundaries, while others may realise that they have been neglecting others in the pursuit of self-interests.

How are you feeling today? Any Eclipse happenings in your life?

(c) Dana Mrkich 2016

Please note: All Blogposts are now being posted on An archive will be updated here from time to time, but please go the site for the most recent posts, and to join the discussion with comments.   

Wednesday, March 09, 2016

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Pisces

The Wednesday Wisdom Seeds are taking a break this week as we talk about today's New Moon Solar Eclipse in Pisces!

Solar Eclipses come along to trigger and accelerate "destined" events. Okay, yes, we create our own reality through our daily choices, actions, thoughts and vibe, but our Soul came into this life with an overall plan, with specific and general goals to experience, achieve and accomplish.

We have a good amount of free reign regarding how we go about doing what we set out to do, but from time to time astrological alignments pop up to give us a little boost in the right direction. Life events are unexpectedly accelerated or broken apart, life paths are altered or adjusted.

It's like your Soul in partnership with the Universe says okay, your drive to Wyoming has been really lovely but you really want to be in New York right now so let's get you there via the quickest route.

The quickest route can be mind-blowingly amazing, and it can be devestating and heart-breaking. It will always be a significant life turning point, with a sense of "destiny" about it.

That is, whatever happens around an Eclipse is by divine design.

This knowing can help us pass more easefully through the more difficult eclipses, and give us the courage and confidence we need to keep up with any exciting and happy life changes.

The degree to which you experience the effects of today's Eclipse depends on where 18 degrees Pisces is in your natal chart and whether there is an important point or planet there being highlighted.

Solar Eclipses have a timeline of 3, 6 and 9 months so if you have something significant occur this week, you may like to circle the 9th of June, Sep and Dec as weeks when important related happenings might occur.

How has this Eclipse been for you so far?

(c) Dana Mrkich 2016

Please note: All Blogposts are now being posted on An archive will be updated here from time to time, but please go the site for the most recent posts, and to join the discussion with comments.  

Thursday, March 03, 2016

Royal Commission: Truth and Healing

Thinking of the survivors and their families who have been in the courtroom this week, and watching overseas, while the Australian Royal Commission on Institutional Responses to child sexual abuse within the Catholic Church cross-examines George Pell in Rome.

Pell's responses clearly show what those responses were, and still are from those adamant to stay in a dense, old energy way of being. We are living in times when truth is coming out from under the carpet, shedding light on what was, correcting a mythical history to one that is more accurate even if uglier.

Lives that have been hurt, ruined or ended by that ugliness, can be vindicated, validated, acknowledged and stood up for, if not by the perpetrators then by a global community who stand beside the innocents. This doesn't fix a lifetime of the effects of abuse, it can't change what happened, but it can hopefully contribute to the creation of more healing services, offer some soothing and support, and assist in changing what has gone on for too long so that future generations of children are safe.

Some wounds can't be healed, but it is healing to have a society see those wounds without turning our heads, without saying 'don't be silly, that couldn't of happened', and instead saying "we see these wounds, we will look at them with our eyes open, we will hear the painful details, and we will do everything possible to make sure this doesn't happen again."

Society owes a lot to the brave souls who expose truth, on this topic and all others. So much of the old world system has been set up to make truth-tellers sound crazy, and it is a good, good time to be alive when a new system comes aboard, and when society awakens and not only accepts but demands the truth come out.

To everyone involved with bringing truth to light at the ‪#‎CARoyalComm‬, thank you for what you are doing. I stand with you.

(c) Dana Mrkich 2016

Please note: All Blogposts are now posted on An archive will be updated here from time to time, but please go the site for the most recent posts, and to join the discussion with comments.  

Wednesday, March 02, 2016

Wednesday Wisdom Seeds #4: Cave time is good for your soul

Video Version

Last week we talked about hiding from other people or from the world in general. This week we are going to look at it from another angle. Today’s Wednesday Wisdom Seeds is about the Restorative Cave, the healthy need to retreat, and give ourselves permission to take a step back, or to take time out.

In our society there is a lot of focus on action, on achieving and on doing.  Those qualities are great, but when we don’t balance them out with rest, with reflection on where we are going and why, or take time to touch base with how we’re feeling and whether or not we’re being true to ourselves, we end up feeling burned out, drained or heading toward a destination that we don’t actually like.

We are bombarded by stimulation all the time now, which has gone into crazy over-drive thanks to social media. We are getting constant messages that we should be doing more, making more, earning more, having more, giving more, posting more.  These messages can make you feel that unless you are going at full speed all the time, and are constantly plugged in, and have every area of life perfectly sorted, then you are not doing enough and are somehow failing or missing out on something.

Saying no to other people, or to the world in general, can make you feel like you are letting others down, or losing an opportunity, but sometimes it is the healthiest thing you can do for yourself.

When you say no to something that feels too much right now, or something that just doesn’t feel right, you are actually saying YES to yourself.

Cave time means different things to different people.  It could be a daily habit of 10 minutes meditation, or switching off your phone and computer by 9.30 at night and reading a book before bed or taking some time to journal. Sometimes you can be in the cave for months during major life changes where you have just ended a relationship, or are changing careers or are needing to attend to a health situation.  These sorts of life events can trigger major identity transformations, and cave time is needed to process whatever has ended, and provide a safe space to basically be in retreat until you are ready for the new, or even as you slowly build the new.

Over the last year I’ve had a lot of cave time as I shifted gears in lots of ways. I let go of my one on one sessions as my whole body told me it was time. I’ve been very focused on what feels the most nourishing to me be it wholefoods, earlier bed times, or switching off from social media for days at a time. My health and our journey of trying to conceive our second baby has been a greater priority than making sure I did 3.8 posts a day. 

Pockets of daily cave time and extended periods of ‘going slower than usual’ or ‘doing less than usual’ time mean you need to be okay with giving yourself that time, without feeling bad or guilty.

Cave time nourishes you, it refuels you, it helps you re-balance, find peace and recover your energy. This is especially true for those of you who are sensitive to external energies, and find yourself picking up stuff from other people.

So I want to hear from you:

What are some of the healthy things you do to retreat, take time out and say no to the world while you say yes to yourself?

Are you craving some cave time?

Do any of you find it hard to switch off and allow cave time?

** This is Wednesday's Wisdom Seeds topic, where we'll chat about something thought-provoking each week. Please subscribe to the newsletter to get notice of next one. **

(c) Dana Mrkich 2016

Please note: All Blogposts are now being posted on An archive will be updated here from time to time, but please go the site for the most recent posts, and to join the discussion with comments.