all looked forward to moving into a more heart-centred reality for a
long time but clearly we didn't read the fine print:
May include
emotional depths previously unexperienced that are overwhelming to feel;
crying for no apparent reason and for good reasons; feeling compassion
for and a sense of unity with those near and far, known and unknown to
you; feeling desire for peace, truth and fairness
so strongly that you swing between love, despair, hope and anger like a
confused pendulum.
Yep these are the times that we have been waiting
for, and here they are in all their heart-wrenching, heart-opening,
heart-breaking, heart-expanding rawness.
The awakening process that
many of us have experienced on an individual level is now happening to
millions more people. As that happens, the ripples start affecting the
collective. So for example, we still see this desire for war from
leaders who are invested in it for one reason or another, but we are no
longer experiencing as much of the blind mass acceptance and approval of
war from the mainstream as we once did. Instead we are seeing more
questioning, more protesting and more compassion for all those concerned
in a war, regardless of so called 'sides'.
At the same time, because
everything is increasing in intensity, so too is the emotion around
'sides' as people cling to old beliefs and old ways of doing things.
Remember, every time we are called to a higher way of being, the old
always comes up in resistance - always. You've experienced this
personally, now it is happening to more people, along with global
systems and structures. And this is difficult, to be with the intense
tug-o-war that is occurring now about so many issues, creating so many
'sides' in every area of life. It is hard emotionally and it is hard
physically on the body.
So tonight as you go to sleep, or even right
now, especially for those who have found the past days and weeks
particularly challenging, take some time to just breathe peace and love,
in and out of your heart. Step out of the sides for a moment. Feel
yourself in the centre of something..of you, of Source, of whatever
feels good. It sounds very fluffy to do this, but it will help you feel
better, and by the magic that is energy, it will help others. It will
help you let go of all that has accumulated within you by day, make you
feel less hopeless and more in the zone where your energy can truly make
a difference in whatever ways you feel called to do that each day. How
are you all feeling?
(c) Dana Mrkich 2014
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Friday, July 25, 2014
Grief and loss opening our hearts
From Wednesday 23 July:
Today was a big heart day filled with love, loss and grief. On our walk this morning we passed the local school. Parents and children were gathered with colourful balloons and flowers to celebrate the life of their beloved teacher, who lost her life on MH17 last week.
Not long after I heard the sad news that my cousin-in-law's beautiful mum had passed. The closeness she shares with her sisters reminds me of the relationship I have with my own sisters, and the experience we had of losing our mum 12 years ago.
There is something about death that awakens you to life in a whole new way. Grief breaks the heart...many times breaking it open in a way it never would have otherwise.
On days like this I wish we could have an annual pass to see our loved ones, just for a hug. On days like this I think they are with us, closer than ever. xxx
(c) Dana Mrkich 2014
Today was a big heart day filled with love, loss and grief. On our walk this morning we passed the local school. Parents and children were gathered with colourful balloons and flowers to celebrate the life of their beloved teacher, who lost her life on MH17 last week.
Not long after I heard the sad news that my cousin-in-law's beautiful mum had passed. The closeness she shares with her sisters reminds me of the relationship I have with my own sisters, and the experience we had of losing our mum 12 years ago.
There is something about death that awakens you to life in a whole new way. Grief breaks the heart...many times breaking it open in a way it never would have otherwise.
On days like this I wish we could have an annual pass to see our loved ones, just for a hug. On days like this I think they are with us, closer than ever. xxx
(c) Dana Mrkich 2014
Our travels on this Earth
Excerpt from a recent Soul Session. Fascinating information is coming through lately!
"It’s like you have gone to certain places on Earth, and they are showing me this image of you brushing your hand on the ground, clearing the space, exactly as someone would if they wanted to create a small landing strip for something to land on.
You didn’t literally brush your hand on the ground, but energetically your presence did this to those spaces you felt called to visit. You cleared and created pockets of space, so that when Earth moved into these higher frequency energies, they were able to more easefully ‘land’ onto the Earth rather than have to push through the old denser energy.
The other reason you have felt called to travel is, in turn, you receive activations from certain places, awakening your memory, awakening soul talents and gifts, particularly from areas that are sacred sites, and also areas that you have travelled to in previous incarnations."
(c) Dana Mrkich 2014
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
The Big Quiet: The Sun decides to have a siesta
is just as emotionally intense as a huge solar flare? No solar flares!
As in none, zip, zero for around a week now. Astronomers are calling it
'the Big Quiet' and are quite baffled, although it just goes to show
that no matter how much we know about something, life and the universe
is always one step ahead with mysteries and surprises.
Energetically what you might assume might feel like a period of quiet is actually generating a bit of emotional irritability! Whether aware of it or not, we are influenced by solar activity. We have become used to the regular pulses of energy coming our way, and have got used to a chronic adrenalin flowing through us.
'The Big Quiet' is a bit like all of a sudden experiencing a blackout when you are used to the rush of city life with its electricity, tv, computers and the hum of noise you are used to. Profound peace doesn't automatically wash over you - instead you find yourself wondering what on earth to do with all of your inner energy without the usual distractions of immense amounts of outer energy.
So you may have found yourself exploding quite a few times in the past week as you become hyper-aware of yourself. You may have had more insights around what annoys you about yourself (or others), what gifts/talents you haven't been using and want to be, or you may have had a rush of inspiring thoughts, ideas and dreams/goals that haven't ever come up before or are coming up in a new 'I can do it!' kind of way.
The Big Quiet can feel unsettling because it is a different way of experiencing energy, but it is also an opportunity to enjoy this different experience. Pay attention to the feelings, ideas and insights coming up for you at this time.
(c) Dana Mrkich 2014
Energetically what you might assume might feel like a period of quiet is actually generating a bit of emotional irritability! Whether aware of it or not, we are influenced by solar activity. We have become used to the regular pulses of energy coming our way, and have got used to a chronic adrenalin flowing through us.
'The Big Quiet' is a bit like all of a sudden experiencing a blackout when you are used to the rush of city life with its electricity, tv, computers and the hum of noise you are used to. Profound peace doesn't automatically wash over you - instead you find yourself wondering what on earth to do with all of your inner energy without the usual distractions of immense amounts of outer energy.
So you may have found yourself exploding quite a few times in the past week as you become hyper-aware of yourself. You may have had more insights around what annoys you about yourself (or others), what gifts/talents you haven't been using and want to be, or you may have had a rush of inspiring thoughts, ideas and dreams/goals that haven't ever come up before or are coming up in a new 'I can do it!' kind of way.
The Big Quiet can feel unsettling because it is a different way of experiencing energy, but it is also an opportunity to enjoy this different experience. Pay attention to the feelings, ideas and insights coming up for you at this time.
(c) Dana Mrkich 2014
Monday, July 14, 2014
Open yourself to love and life
anyone who is holding themselves back from loving again or persevering
with a dream due to being hurt/disappointed in the past:
You are here to experience and express that which is in your heart - whether that be great love, a loving home and family, or making the world more beautiful with your spirit, your essence and your gifts. Don’t be scared because of what was. It was terrible. It was tragic. But to not create the love and beauty again that you were born to create, to cut off the joy that wants to be felt due to the fear of the past recurring, is to repeat the past hurt every day.
Let it go, and open yourself up again to the life and love that wants to pour through you and from you.
- paraphrased from a beautiful message that came through in a recent Soul Session.
(c) Dana Mrkich 2014
You are here to experience and express that which is in your heart - whether that be great love, a loving home and family, or making the world more beautiful with your spirit, your essence and your gifts. Don’t be scared because of what was. It was terrible. It was tragic. But to not create the love and beauty again that you were born to create, to cut off the joy that wants to be felt due to the fear of the past recurring, is to repeat the past hurt every day.
Let it go, and open yourself up again to the life and love that wants to pour through you and from you.
- paraphrased from a beautiful message that came through in a recent Soul Session.
(c) Dana Mrkich 2014
Friday, July 04, 2014
Friday slow down
week had one of those manic, rushed vibes to it. Every day was filled
with back to back things to do, and it felt like the adrenalin was
pumping constantly!
I'm hearing from many people who had the same sort of week of feeling wired, so if you are one of those let's take the opportunity of this Friday/weekend energy to take a deep breath in, and do a big exhale. And again. And slowly, again.
This weekend try to consciously slow down your inner and outer pace. Take time to breathe, rest, relax, get out in nature and come back to balance!
(c) Dana Mrkich 2014
I'm hearing from many people who had the same sort of week of feeling wired, so if you are one of those let's take the opportunity of this Friday/weekend energy to take a deep breath in, and do a big exhale. And again. And slowly, again.
This weekend try to consciously slow down your inner and outer pace. Take time to breathe, rest, relax, get out in nature and come back to balance!
(c) Dana Mrkich 2014
Tuesday, July 01, 2014
Phase II Post-Solstice Energy Report
NOTE: This is a long one so you might like to get yourself a cup of tea! Ten pages for the written version, and 45 min total for the video versions split into two parts for easier viewing. Enjoy!
As we sit in the
aftermath of the powerful surge brought to us by this recent powerful Solstice,
it is clear that we have arrived into (yet another) new place and space.
Over the past couple of weeks, the time period December
21, 2012 – June 21, 2014 is being shown to me like two bookends, marking what
they are calling ‘Phase I’ of this new evolutionary cycle. As we crossed that
initial, evolutionary threshold 18 months ago there were hopes held by many
that we would have some sort of overnight sign or tangible reality change
showing us that things had indeed shifted.
We don’t get any such sign or obvious external change whenever we start
other new cycles be it January 1 each year or when we experience the transition
of a planet as it crosses from one zodiac space to the next, yet deep down we
still wanted something to happen.
Something has
indeed happened, although it has happened and is happening in a strange kind of
slow-motion meets hyper-fast rapid speed kind of way. They are giving me the
analogy of an animator, who has to do one illustration per frame. Living out
the shift, frame by frame, day by day, sometimes seems like an excruciatingly
slow process – particularly when we are looking externally out into the world
and comparing what is to what we know is possible. They are asking us to look back for a moment
at the centuries and decades leading up to now. It used to be that the
collective took years to turn the pages of just a few frames. Over time, the
turning of the pages has sped up.
we crossed the threshold into a new cycle and since then, social media has
facilitated the awakening of masses of people as one corruption/abuse/injustice
scandal has been revealed after the other. People are protesting and petitioning daily,
demanding real change. We are seeing comments in mainstream newspaper blogs
that only a couple of years ago were confined to so called conspiracy theory
sites. For some of us these revelations
(and more long overdue) are not happening fast enough. Others are reeling in
shock as to what has been revealed so far.
Mass awakening, and by that we mean mass revelations of the greater
truth of our world and reality, including the existence of other-dimensional
and other-planetary beings, is a delicate process. It is happening as fast as
it can without sending the majority of people into traumatic shock and fear,
which would create the very opposite outcome we are wanting.
we crossed the new cycle threshold 18 months ago, our greater selves started flicking
through the frames faster than any illustrator could keep up, and faster than
our conscious minds and physical bodies could keep up! We now find ourselves in
a somewhat unsettling albeit exciting situation where some of us have been
carried by the waves so fast that we are hurling through white space, beyond
the frames which we had previously drawn for ourselves. We are moving faster energetically than our
physical reality can catch up. It may feel like you are not moving at all, as
if you are in a void. Some of the time the not moving feeling happens when you
are in a rest and recharge period. Other times though, it happens when you are
actually moving faster than you can imagine. For those of you who have been
sky-diving, you’ll know that even though you are going 200km/125miles per hour,
it actually feels like you are still. For a while there, the only evidence that
you are actually moving is the feel of the air rushing past you and into your
So too, on one level you may have wondered if you have
been standing still much of the last 18 months, but on another level you likely
cannot count how many changes have actually happened including everything from
inner healing releases and powerful insights to relationship/home/family/work
re-shuffling. Even if things haven’t
dramatically changed in your own life, you have likely observed a
more-than-usual amount of life-changing events occurring for those around you.
All of a sudden you may be hearing on a weekly basis of yet another
relationship break-up, or experience a wave of many people passing on in your
close and distant circles of family, friends and colleagues.
leaving the planet only to return
They want to speak on
the above latter point for a moment.
Now, for some of those passing
it is because they are choosing not to continue in the new energy on this
planet full stop. For others however, it
is because they are choosing not to continue in their current physical form. Many
in the latter group will choose to re-incarnate onto the planet quite quickly,
thus getting to experience the new energies from Day 1 of their new
incarnation. They could of course have
waited, lived out the remainder of their life, and then done the same thing –
but timing as always is of the essence. Those souls choosing to take the path
of departure are needed now, and when we say now we mean as we build the
foundation of the New over the next 10, 20 years. The energies that they will bring into a new
incarnation now and exude over the next 20+ years are more powerful than the energies
they would have been carrying over that same period had they stayed here in
their previous incarnation.
is also more exciting for them, from the Soul perspective. When we look ahead at 20 years from now,
these Souls didn’t want to wait until then to depart, only to start anew in
2035 or so. They want to be 20+ years of age in 2035 and beyond, experiencing
themselves as young, conscious creators on a New Earth. (2035 is just an
example year, I’m not putting it out there as yet another ‘date’ to wait
for….the change is happening now. We’re in it).
this helps us to understand why so many highly conscious people have been
leaving the planet over the last 18 months. Our logical mind thinks “Gosh, they
lived their whole life to get to this point, and now they’ve left! What is
going on? Did they give up? Has something gone wrong with ‘the plan’?” They had to leave now, in order to be able to
get back here in time (after having a short R&R de-brief period upstairs!),
in order to be the conscious children and adults of our upcoming generations.
a Soul this is exciting stuff – for those of us left behind it is of course
difficult to lose our loved ones physically. That said, our society’s way of
responding to death will change remarkably in the coming decades as the
collective becomes more aware of the continuation of our non-physical selves
beyond this incarnation. The other day I watched the most uplifting
story (starts just before 32 minute mark) of two women
who organised for the ashes of their mother and grandmother to go up into the
sky as fireworks! It was a celebration
of their life, and even the journalist remarked how natural it felt for the
ashes to go ‘up’.
other cases, some souls are choosing to leave younger than expected so that
their passing can trigger an awakening for large numbers of their family,
friends and community. These cases are usually the most devastating and tragic.
We do great honour to these special souls when we take up the baton they have
passed down to us: laws are changed, awareness of some issue is highlighted,
family bonds are strengthened, hearts are opened, lives are lived more fully.
This doesn’t discount the unbearable pain that such grief brings, and I don’t
want to spiritually sanitise any parent’s experience of the loss of a child in
particular. This information is only to offer some part of the explanation for
that which to us seems inexplicable.
of us are choosing to stay here during this turbulent ‘first phases’ period,
knowing that our contribution is helping and knowing that things will ease up.
As turbulent as things are and have been, the first thing most of us will say
once we get back ‘Home’ is “Get me back down there!” So, appreciate the gift of
this experience now while you are in it.
Heaven on Earth, and the Trinity
We have all been
conscious beings in the non-physical. We have all been physical bodies with
limited consciousness. It is an absolute gift to be living and embodying the
reality of experiencing an expanded level of consciousness, with an awareness
of our greater reality, while in a physical body here on this planet Earth. To
experience that as an individual is a sacred gift. To experience it alongside a
community of others is that gift multiplied. To experience it within a physical
planetary community – that is, with the majority of humanity living consciously
– is beyond anything we can truly comprehend although we may have dreamed it,
envisioned it, intuited it and foreseen it.
my brief post-Solstice
message ‘Slam Dunk Solstice’ I wrote: “I am being shown that scene from The Matrix where Neo is
seemingly killed and Trinity is talking to him reminding him who he is. She says:
"Now get up!" That's when he realises he no longer has to dodge the
bullets, the bullets aren't even real. He gets up. So, from the great
Trinity, whoever and whatever that is to you: remember you are one of the ones.”
A couple of days after writing that
message, I discovered this magnificent photo below captured right on Solstice,
of the Sun with a rare Triple Halo, which for me was a beautiful validation of
the Trinity message.
I then went on to read that these halo’s are created by dual pyramid-shaped ice
crystals, where one pyramid pointing down intersects another pointing up: which
you may know is the symbol of the Merkaba which many say is our
inter-dimensional light vehicle. This
shape also represents the merging of Heaven and Earth: higher consciousness and
physical reality combined – which is the theme of our new evolutionary cycle. For
me, the Sun on Solstice perfectly represented and verified the direction we are
officially heading in as of now, and was a beautiful sign that we are right on

I and health
The Solstice marked a
transition point of sorts between what they are calling Phase I and Phase II of
this new evolutionary cycle. (I don’t know how many phases there are, but there
are more!).
the Phase I period Dec 21 2012 – Jun 21 2014, we were experiencing the
full-frontal blast of higher-vibrational energies more than we ever have before
in a physical body on this planet. It cannot be stated strongly enough just how
new this is to us: to experience high-frequency
energy in our physical bodies on this
planet Earth.
This energy wasn’t just coming at us. Now, we were and are in it. Back to the skydiving analogy,
sometimes this felt intense and overwhelming while at other times we felt like
we were flatlining with no concept of past, future, up or down.
energies were racing ahead at a million miles per hour, and this affected nearly
everyone’s physical body regardless of the level of vibration you were and are
holding. Regardless of the level of
vibration you are at, we have all received and are continuing to receive major
vibrational upgrades….and our physical in the last 18 months had a lot of catching
up to do (more than usual)!
Our physical bodies, individual and collective reality,
emotions and thoughts are more than ever being called to match our new
vibrational levels – and not letting us get away with not doing that!
many people I know who have spent years without so much as a cold, found
themselves being struck down time and again with all manner of ailments. Some
of this can be attributed to environmental toxins which we have to address in our
local and global communities as a priority. Much of it though can be attributed
to the overwhelming amount of energy being received onto the planet, and into
our bodies. After a lifetime of excellent health, and almost two decades of
energetically clearing everything one could ever imagine to clear, the last 18
months for me has been an almost constant adventure in colds, allergies,
sneezing and coughing. It started December 24 2012 once we had completed 3 days
of sweat lodge ceremony over the Dec 21-23 period and culminated in 36 hours in
bed with the flu leading up to Solstice morning this June 21 2014.
all process energies differently. Sometimes we get sick because we aren’t
plugged in enough and are being called to connect with more of our authentic
self. Sometimes it is because we are too plugged in, and are taking on everyone
else’s stuff unnecessarily. Other times, it is because we need to rest and slow
down. Rest time allows us to be re-charged and re-wired. When we’re feeling
completely knocked out there’s often a huge upgrade occurring. Other times it’s
a way of releasing old energy that has been lodged in our energy fields that is
finally making its way out of us through our physical bodies.
energies are powerful. They are activating us and uplifting us, and thus
something we should welcome. There is no one right or wrong way to process them
because each of us are experiencing different things for different reasons. Our
natural state is one of wellbeing, and health symptoms are often the body’s way
of trying to get us into greater alignment with who we are. Too often we fixate
on the ‘something is wrong’ part of the health symptom, rather than asking it:
okay, what are you trying to tell me/show me/help me with? Aside from getting
yourself physically checked out by a health practitioner when you have
concerns, it is really helpful to communicate with your health symptoms. You
can do this with a facilitator, or just get out your journal and start a
dialogue with the relevant symptom, giving it a name to help the process eg
Sneezing Sarah. Trust what comes.
is helpful to stay as centred as possible rather than get swept up in the
physical and emotional upheaval that can come with the stronger shift waves. That
might mean taking rest when you can, focusing on your breath when you feel
anxious, going for a walk if you feel ungrounded, maintaining a healthy eating
and workout schedule that you enjoy, listening to music that feels good, doing
some meditation to clear your mind, journal to receive insights, have a couple
of trusted healing practitioners in your contacts list that you know can help
you clear things if it gets too much for you to handle on your own. Know what
makes you feel good, centred and grounded, and pull those things out of your
backpack during the times you can feel yourself spiralling into wobbliness.
What will Phase II
bring us? It feels like the Sun’s Triple Halo was giving us a clue alongside a
follow-up rare sight below of concentric halo’s around the Sun on June 24. From
Space Weather: “The variety of halos they witnessed was caused by a
corresponding variety of ice crystals with rare gem-like perfection and
unusually precise crystal-to-crystal alignment.”
The key word and theme
that stands out to me is Alignment. Everything and everyone on this planet is
being called to align with the higher versions of ourselves, and with the
higher frequency energies. That which is out of alignment naturally has to go through
a period of either collapse or transformation. We are seeing this now in every
aspect of society, albeit in baby steps, and it will continue to unfold and
accelerate in this next phase.
you feel to share your interpretation of these halo’s please feel free to do so
in the comments section, or add a link to your blog if you have written about
them. To me, they are like a crop-circle in the sky, offering messages that are
being received by our cells whether or not we consciously know the full meaning
and content of these messages.
the Triple Halo: There are many Holy Trinity’s. We have the Triple Goddess of
Maiden, Mother and Wise Woman. We have Jesus Christ, Mary Magdalene and
Sarah. We have Isis, Osiris and Horus.
We have the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. There are others. The Trinity
is whatever it is for you, and it can be all of these energies.
The most predominant energy within the overall Trinity
theme is the Re-awakening and Re-emergence of the Divine Feminine. Our old definitions,
repressions, abuses and misunderstandings of the Feminine are being outed,
quashed and demolished. Instead we are entering a new territory, one in which
we are collectively re-thinking what the Feminine is, re-defining her
abilities, her worth and her value, and re-wiring the way in which we express
Feminine is not limited to women. She exists in all of us, just as the
Masculine is not limited to Men, existing in all of us also. Yet, if you have
incarnated in this lifetime as a woman you may be feeling compelled to embody a
more empowered version of the Divine Feminine just as men are feeling compelled
to embody a more nurturing version of the Divine Masculine. As we balance our
Feminine, our Masculine is also called to balance, just like a seesaw.
The June 24 halo’s remind me of the Vesica Pisces,
representing the Feminine and Masculine. They may also have a story to tell
about the separation of the Old Earth from the New Earth. I caught myself the
other day saying “They live in the old world” and I had a moment of what the?
In that moment it felt clear as day that there were two worlds, overlapping
each other yet existing in different dimensions: much like that scene in the
Mists of Avalon where the priestesses of Avalon were unseen by the nuns from
the nearby convent walking right by them. {NB: The recent revelations about author Marion
Zimmer Bradley are relevant to many of the themes discussed in this energy
report, but due to it being a sensitive topic needing a major trigger warning, I
have discussed it in a separate post here.}
the two worlds separate permanently eventually, or will there always be an
opportunity to go from the old to the new for those in the old? I honestly have
to say I don’t know for sure. My feeling is that our awareness and
understanding of parallel realities will make a quantum leap in the coming year
and years. Right now, we don’t have a full daily conscious awareness of our parallel
realities, whereas we are still very aware of this ‘old’ world. Nor is it as
black and white as being able to separate people into two categories ‘awake’
and ‘not awake’. Some people are conscious in some areas and not in others, and
vice versa.
concept that does make sense to me, the one that has been a constant throughout
my life about these times, is the one of Alignment. The Earth, or New Earth if
you like, is moving up into a higher vibration and we need to shift also to be
part of that reality. All that which is not in alignment will collapse or
transform….or perhaps stay in an old Earth reality that would exist as a
separate parallel reality. How that would actually occur is for now a mystery
to me. As mentioned, there almost is an ‘old world’ and ‘new world’ existing
right now, but the two are aware of each other at this time (with many thinking
the ones in the ‘other’ world are the crazy ones). This mutual awareness of the
other world is not consistent with usual parallel worlds, and this can only
suggest that there is plenty more to unfold.
don’t have a time-frame for this Phase II just like I didn’t have a time frame
for Phase I, and I think that’s a good thing. The date given to us for the end
of the former evolutionary cycle (the infamous Dec 21 2012 date) created a
strong ‘waiting’ energy, and it is no longer appropriate or empowering to
call now is for embodiment and action, of walking our talk, of living what we
know, of creating in our physical reality that which we have held for so long
as dreams and visions. Our hearts will
continue to open and expand while our identities and connections with others
will continue to flux and feel fluid-like as we continue this process of
expanding into new, updated versions of ourselves. The bars of alignment,
integrity and authenticity will be raised ever higher, with inner and outer
revelations continuing to smash illusions and deceptions that have been
restricting us individually and collectively.
will feel liberating, confronting, empowering, overwhelming, exhilarating and
exhausting depending on the day! As the outer world changes so rapidly, and
even as your energy fields shift so dramatically, hold on to whatever you know
to be good and centring for you: your breath, the love you have with your
partner, children or other loved ones, a regular walk or swim, goals you are
passionate about that you can steadily move towards, activities that are fun
and joyful, or relaxing and restful. Creativity, craft, gardening, creating:
these sorts of things will feel good to many of you now as we seek outlets for
our deep soul need at this time to physically express and anchor who we are energetically
and vibrationally.
feels to be plenty more to say, and I get this image of now taking the first
steps into a large as yet unexplored space. I look forward to writing more
about this new space in the coming weeks and months.
Onward and upward with
lots of love,
© Dana Mrkich 2014
Mrkich is an Energy Intuitive, Author of A New Chapter, Creator of Online
Courses Let Love In, and Create a Life you Love and an inspirational teacher,
writer and speaker. For more info, please visit her website, or for
regular energy updates join her on Facebook or follow her on Twitter.
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