January 2011
What's New this Month!
- Visioning the Dream Awake shifts to Evolution Revolution
- Soul Sessions: Time Out and February Bookings
- January and 2011 Monthly Visions: The Year of Revelations - Ant People, Solar Flares, Starships, A New Mayan Calendar 'End Date' and Zero Point
- Power Charge your Dreams for 2011: Article in Australian Women's Weekly Online with Empowering Exercises to Do!
- Meditation Benefits: Los Angeles Examiner
Visioning the Dream Awake shifts to Evolution Revolution
2011 starts a new phase for my work and this newsletter. We've been Visioning the Dream Awake for around 8 years and it's time to move into a different kind of energy: Welcome to our Evolution Revolution! I will still be writing, speaking, teaching, creating products and working with clients, while also moving into new endeavours that take our growing consciousness out into the world in new ways. The website will slowly be changing including in ways that I'm not even consciously aware of yet. It's exciting times...stay tuned!
Soul Sessions: Time Out and February Bookings
I am taking January to re-charge my creative batteries, go camping and get started on some exciting new projects for 2011. I will be taking time out from personal Soul Sessions during this month, but am looking forward to resuming work with my wonderful clients in February. In person, Phone and Skype Bookings are already being taken for Wed Feb 2, Wed Feb 9 and Sat Feb 12. Email Sessions booked now will be scheduled for the first fortnight in February. Book here: http://www.danamrkich.com/readings/index.html
January and 2011 Monthly Visions: The Year of Revelations
Ant People, Solar Flares, Starships, A New Mayan Calendar 'End Date' and Zero Point. This Month's Monthly Visions offers an overview on what we might expect from 2011. It's a big one, so get yourself a cup of tea, and get comfy on your couch!
Imagine a community of ants hidden under a covering in the corner of a house. They have been told that this corner is the world. Every day the ants go about their business collecting food, securing their shelter and keeping their families warm. Some of the ants are content with their lives, happy to have what they have. Others feel quite frustrated but don't think they can do much about it, after all there is only so much space they can work with. A few ants have big aspirations for their lives and dream of greater things. They don't know why, but they've always had a feeling that there is more to the world than this corner they live in. They don't know how exactly to access this other world and the other ants call them crazy but there is some knowing in their bodies that tells them, there is more to life than you can currently see. Read More Here: http://danamrkich.blogspot.com/2011/01/january-2011-monthly-visions-year-of.html
En Espanol (January will be up soon): http://www.manantialcaduceo.com.ar/dana_mrkich/visiones.htm
Power Charge your Dreams for 2011: Article in Australian Women's Weekly Online with Empowering Exercises to Do!
Check out this article featuring an interview with me for step by step journaling exercises to ensure you use the powerful energies of the New Year and today's January 4 Solar Eclipse to the maximum potential! Find out how to power charge your dreams for 2011 AND explore why an aspect of you doesn't want some of your resolutions to come true.. Read Here: http://aww.ninemsn.com.au/dietandhealth/8190558/true-resolutions-power-charge-your-dreams-for-2011
Meditation Benefits
Excerpt of New Year's Resolutions Article in Los Angeles Examiner featuring quote by Dana
Carving out quiet time just for you can help reduce your stress levels and help restart your engines. "Meditation is a simple way to rejuvenate your body, mind and soul," says Dana Mrkich, Intuitive Catalyst for Personal, Social & Global Transformation and Conscious Evolution Teacher. "A common misconception is that you need to dedicate hours of time to it. Studies have shown that as little as 5-10 minutes of meditation a day can help you to look and feel years younger." Mrkich says the key to meditation is in the deep breathing. Oxygen floods your cells, giving you an immediate sense of clarity and vitality, and greater health and wellness in the long-term. "Deep breathing also helps you to connect with the stillness inside you, making it easier to feel what your heart and intuition are trying to tell you."
Full Article: http://www.examiner.com/beauty-trends-in-los-angeles/promises-promises-the-classic-clich-of-making-new-year-s-resolutions
Intuitive Catalyst for Personal, Social & Global Transformation
Conscious Evolution Teacher, Writer & Speaker
Author, Freelance Journalist & Radio Host
BA Comn. (Social Inq/Media)
Email: dana@danamrkich.com
Online: www.danamrkich.com
Subscribe to Dana's Monthly Newsletter Evolution Revolution for Monthly Visions,
Email: dana@danamrkich.com
Online: www.danamrkich.com
Subscribe to Dana's Monthly Newsletter Evolution Revolution for Monthly Visions,
articles, talks, courses and more.
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